Are your friends retiring?
Do you feel there’s more left in you to offer this world?
Are you an old dog yearning to learn new tricks?
I’m here to tell you there’s an entire world of opportunity on the Internets – just waiting for you to open the tap on your unique brand of awesome sauce.
Mmmm, sauce…
If you follow my facebook page – you DO follow my facebook page, right?! – you saw this video:
Old dog, much?
That’s okay, mah baby, me too!
As I mentioned, I had a convo with an older friend and they asked about retirement.
NOPE! Not retiring. Can’t make me.
When asked further, I went into a long-winded (shocking – right?) explanation about how excited I am to be building an online copywriting business that is an extension of ALL THE WRITING I do ever’day anyway.
I ended with: I’m never retiring! There’s too much I want to learn and do. Don’t you have that drive, too?
No judgement if you don’t, but my guess is if you’re here, reading these words, you do.
No Netflix and retirement for you!
Isn’t it a glorious time to be alive? Age doesn’t matter when you run a business online.
Repeat after me: AGE DOESN’T MATTER!!!
Can you feel my excitement for you? For me?
The trick now is to figure out what you’re good at doing anyway, business or not.
Building cat toys?
Building businesses?
Rafting? (don’t roll your eyes, Missy! There’s a niche for practically everything.)
After you figure out what you’re ALREADY doing for free, that’s where the gold is.
Next, you take time to understand if you’ll offer a service (like me) or a product (oooo, that’s me too!).
After that, you build a website to feature your services or products, and they will come (well, you’ll have to do some work to direct folks to your shiny new joint, but you’ll be on your way).
What if you have an idea, but feel like the oldest of dogs because you don’t know what to do when?
It’s gonna be okay. You’ll learn a new skill, then build on each new skill, until you arrive at your dream non-retirement suite.
Trust me. I’ve done it and so can you.
You’re smart. You’re full o’wisdom and experience. You’re gonna be the envy of your peers.
If you’ve decided you want to blaze a new online trail, that you don’t want to retire (or maybe you can’t retire), you’ve found a friend in me.
My blog posts will be specifically designed to help you get from A to ZOOOOOM!
Sign up for email (below) and don’t miss a single post.
Let’s have some fun together, shall we? Let’s kick some old dog ass!
Are you in?
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Bohemian Babushka
Babushka can’t afford to retire- on any level! Visiting from the Grand Social and loving your enthusiasm. BB2U
patti tucker
If you can’t retire – is it time to consider building for more income? Yes! Let’s do it together!
p.s…. a Canadian loonie for you if it took you less time to spot my typo than I did… sigh.
patti tucker
I have no problemo with the typos. Know what you meant.
I tried retiring when I was 42. Sold a biz… rime to retire, THEY said?
Nop. Didn’t stick.
I’m into retread not retire.
zoom zoom luv your words, P.
patti tucker
Retread! YAAAS!
Thank, Dawn!