I’m obsessed with who it is I am and what is is I do. Are you? It’s my literal business to be deeply aware of what I do, whom I do it for, what folks want and how I can offer them (you!) what is needed and wanted. At my most basic, I’m a teacher. […]
When is it Best to Ignore Internet Wisdom?
I’m about to lay some valuable Internet wisdom on ya – feel free to do you and ignore. You know the commercial about feeling FOMO (fear of missing out)? When you are in search of what it is you need to know, what it is you are desperate to know, ignoring the sage-like gurus, ignoring […]
It’s Not Clever – It’s Pathetic and Lazy
I’m talking about lazy writing, specifically copywriting to drive sales. Specifically, sales for the elderly and infirm like me. Wait. Nope, not like me AT ALL (here comes the pathetic and lazy part) – but since I fall into the Boomer bracket, judging by much of the copy aimed at us, we are doddering, drooling, […]
Salty over Facebook? What Are You Doing About it?
This post was going to be about Facebook bending us over in the trust department and Zuckerberg’s Facebooksplainin’ about how we allowed all they’ve done to us. ~friendly non-threatening face here~ He’s not entirely wrong. We willingly let him in, thereby signing up for our personal Brutification (et tu, Mark?), so it seems childish to… […]
How Do You Narrow “It” Down?
It’s late afternoon, I’m drinking a Corona, listening to the workers next door saw through their 100th piece of wood for the day, trying to put my thoughts together. Thank goodness for Don Henley – the music of wide open spaces and road trips. SHUT THE HELL UP, WORLD! MAMA’S TRYING TO WORK. Yeah. There […]
About the Happiest New Year Pic Ever! Now What?
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Told ya. Happy! This year, this day, this moment – something is happening to me (I’m betting you can relate), something is insisting I change course in my business. It didn’t happen at the strike of midnight on New Year’s Eve, as so many watched the old slide away and the new […]
Is Speed What It’s All About?
My favorite running shorts talk smack. If I pass you while running, this is what you’ll see: They’re comfy and funny as hell, especially for me when I charge past your slower-than-me behind. SEE YA! ~maniacal runner’s laugh~ When I wear these shorts, I usually do two things. #1: Laugh at their ridiculousness. #2: Think […]
A New Direction Will Make You the Envy of Your Peers!
Are your friends retiring? Do you feel there’s more left in you to offer this world? Are you an old dog yearning to learn new tricks? I’m here to tell you there’s an entire world of opportunity on the Internets – just waiting for you to open the tap on your unique brand of awesome […]
How Bad Do You Want It?
A few days ago I thought back to when I was pregnant. It was awful timing. I was newly married, poor as hell and living in a furnished apartment. As in, they owned the furniture, not me. Remembering those days, putting myself back in that tiny apartment, with no savings or furniture to my name, […]
Are You Hiding Your Authentic Self?
How many times have you questioned the value of being exactly who you are, in the exact measure that you are, because you were afraid of rejection? It feels like crap, doesn’t it? I want to tell you that I know how you feel because I’ve stood in that awful squinch-producing spot, too. That space […]