Avoid Wickedness, And It Will Turn Aside From You
“Do no evil, and evil will not overtake you; avoid wickedness, and it will turn aside from you. Sow not the furrows of injustice, lest you harvest it sevenfold.” Sirach 7:1-3
Brothers and sisters in Christ, while our hearts soundly urge vengeance and justice when we or our loved ones are harmed, let us wait on God.
“Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.” Romans 12:19
Resist the urges of evil. Avoid wickedness. Allow God to seek his vengeance as it serves his holy will.
May our souls be brought into perfect correction in God’s holy love.
Go forth in love and patience, knowing your Father, you knows all things, works a good work where evil was intended.
All is well in Christ Jesus, indeed.
Yesterday’s Prayer: There Is No Salvation Through Any One Else
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