How many times have you questioned the value of being exactly who you are, in the exact measure that you are, because you were afraid of rejection? It feels like crap, doesn’t it? I want to tell you that I know how you feel because I’ve stood in that awful squinch-producing spot, too. That space […]
Essential Blogger: 10 Easy Steps To Grow Your Site
I frequently get questions about blogging and site production, as in how to grow a site or blog. Today we’ll cover 10 essential blogging steps, to grow your site presence. Lots of bloggers blog with the thought that their site is a place to keep family and friends updated on their lives (I know quite […]
Thinking of Good Friday
My faith is the foundation of who I am. It defines me in so many ways and leads me in all things. Well, most things. I am human, I am a cussy sinner, after all. Easter week, Holy Week, is my favorite spiritual time of year. Following the path of Jesus, knowing what was to […]
The Loss of Greatness
Last week, my adored Aunt Mimi passed from this world to the next. She was 95-years-old and still had buckets of sass left in her, but was ready for the next leg of her journey. She was tired. Her mind and body ached with a longing to be free. The family and friends she shared […]