For the time is at hand.
“Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.” Revelation1:3
Open your bibles; immerse yourself within God’s word. There you will find all that you need.
No one knows the time of Christ’s return. What we do know is that we have been washed of our sins with his sacrificial blood (Revelation 1:5). Amen.
Today is the day to repent. Today is the day to prepare your soul.
Today. Do not hesitate. For the time is at hand.
There is complete peace and joy in our future homecoming.
We are saved. We are washed clean. We are the children, the heirs, of the kingdom of God, our blessed Father.
Nothing else compares to that enormity.
Be blessed by the words of God. Carry his joy to all you meet. Share the Gospel this day: Jesus died, was buried, and rose again, in the fulfillment of the holy scriptures for the forgiveness of all sin.
All is indeed well this day and all that follow. Alleluia!
Yesterday’s Prayer: I Lift Up My Soul
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