You Were Made For God’s Holy Purpose
There comes a moment in all of our lives when we overhear a cutting remark about what people think we are, as we move through this world.
You’re too much.
You’re not enough.
You should be more.
You should be less like.
The world is filled with voices, with opinions, that think they know better than our holy Father.
For example, I was born “extra” as the kiddos say.
What is this? What is extra?
If you’re extra, or if someone is so extra, it means that they/you are dramatic or over the top – as in way too much for polite society.
So much everything that makes folks uncomfortable.
Things I have heard people say about me:
“I could never be you. It’s too much work.”
“Are you for real?”
“Calm down.”
“You’re a lot.”
“Thank goodness not everyone is like you.”
There are two ways to react to misguided proclamations about how people think you should get in their line of being/thinking (and it’s ALWAYS about their comfort, so let get this straight from the get-go):
1: Be hurt. Cry. Sulk. Curse their assumptions. Complain to others. Ask God WHY did he make you so annoying to others.
2: Understand their conclusions have nothing to do with you and move on (you still might be hurt, but it’s fleeting), because you believe God made you for his purpose.
God’s Holy Purpose
From a young age I knew I was extra (although it wasn’t called that then), and I had many conversations with God about it. Folks fell into two obvious camps how they felt about me: love or hate. I often wondered why I couldn’t simply tamp down all that was within me.
Yet, God had other plans.
He gave me a boldness and joy for him that could not and should not be contained.
He gave me conviction of heart and soul for other’s wellbeing.
He gave me an overflowing exuberance for life and a curious mind.
He gave me a fierceness of love for my people.
He gave me strength of spirit to fight evil where I see it.
But mostly, he gave me a prayerful direction and purpose.
Yes, in my advancing age I still annoy many (ha!), yet my purpose is clear: to engage all of the gifts he bountifully gave me, and to pray without ceasing, as I journey through this world.
When faced with the world’s opinion about you, never doubt for one minute that you were delightfully made by our good good Father for his holy purpose.
Embrace the whole of who you are; like yourself. I know God does.
When you accept that you were made for God’s purpose, that’s where the peace is, that’s where you find that the noise of this world has no power over you.
I pray God’s blessing upon you this day and all that follow that you may know what your purpose is and follow.
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